Episode 15: Treating Your Busyness Addiction: Stillness with Dr. Nissa Keyashian
I'm so excited to host my friend Dr. Nissa Kiyashian, a psychiatrist and mindfulness instructor.
I found it so hard to learn to be still and rest. Fortunately for me, my sister is a psychiatrist and mindfulness instructor who guided me along the way.
Stillness is a habit but a habit that we don't inherently seem to possess. Join me in this episode where Nissa and I discuss how to get started.
Would you like to contact Nissa? You can find her at https://amindfulmd.com.
Would you like to purchase her book? It's available on kindle unlimited or you can purchase at the following link: https://www.amazon.com/Practicing-Stillness-Simple-Exercises-Moment-ebook/dp/B09YHZNKYT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3PQR8Q3L419B5&keywords=practicing+stillness&qid=1656271819&sprefix=practicing+stillnes%2Caps%2C123&sr=8-1
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